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The International Aplomb Federation is an association of five people appointed by Noëlle Perez-Christiaens.
They are committed to making known, transmitting and continuing research on APLOMB : a cultural and human heritage brought to light by the ethno-physiological research* carried out by Noëlle with the help of her husband Miguel da Fonseca. Miguel was a former stevedore at the Setubal (Portugal) fish auction who lived in perfect balance.
People and institutions affiliated with the federation teach international classes and seminars. In this way they continue to transmit and pursue this promising path to anyone seeking to embark on it, as Noëlle and her team have done for
45 years.
* (PhD in ethno-physiology at EHESS-Sorbonne, in 2004)


The team:
Georgia Leconte, Nicole Blouet le Coz, Anne Brown de Colstoun, Danielle Bouvier, Stefano Lenzi

Meet our godmother - one of the first teachers - Ginette Guédu (101 ans) in this video about Aplomb.

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